about Sakuya Shiraishi

Who am I? Hello, I'm Sakuya Shiraishi. I'm currently 18 years old and the co-founder of TENNO. I manage TENNOS spending and budget. I'm Japanese who live in Canada and enjoying my life. By the way, my English is not the perfect, so please go easy on me. 

 I was born in Tokyo, Japan which is the capital city, but after a year I moved to Osaka. I spend most of my life in Osaka. Fan fact about Osaka is we have own dialect. Food there is really nice as well. I am living in Vancouver right now, but I always miss Japanese food. I highly recommend to come to Osaka when you travel to Japan.

( Taking picture is one of my hobby. )

I came to Canada in 2020. I was really excited to come but at the time, I couldn't speak English at all. Only things I could say was "Hello" "How are you", But even though I use them, I couldn't understand what they responded me. I would say first year in Canada was really tuff. However, I met Ryder at high school who's really loud and active person unlike me. Honestly I don't even know why we got this much along. The loudest person in the school talks to me, who can't speak English. But now we are making clothing together. Maybe I need to appreciate him that he talked to me at the first place. Hm, or maybe not :')
-Sakuya Shiraishi
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